MEANING: bathroom USE: Da hoo di bayd eena di baachroom soh lang? TRANSLATION: Who's bathing so long in the bathroom?
MEANING: bathroom USE: Da hoo di bayd eena di baachroom soh lang? TRANSLATION: Who's bathing so long in the bathroom?
MEANING: give birth to, bear a child USE: Di taim kohn fi di uman baan ih baybi. TRANSLATION: The time came for the woman to have her baby.
MEANING: vine used in baksetry, and for making herbal medicines and tea. USE: Wen wi mi smaal, wi yoostu swing fahn titai eena dehn chree. TRANSLATION: When we were small,...
MEANING: barge USE: Wen dehn swing di brij, da fi mek di baaj dehn paas. TRANSLATION: When they swing the bridge, it allows the barges to pass.
MEANING: battery USE: Di bachri eena di flashlait mi ded, soh wi neva ga no lait eena di blakowt. TRANSLATION: The battery in the flashlight was dead, so we didn't...