Intafayrin Betsi
Wi aal noa sohnbadi weh da wahn Intafayrin Betsi. Da wahn noazi persn, yoozhali wahn laydi. Di Intafayrin Betsi stay di faas eena ada pipl bizniz. Lata taim, yu wahn...
Wi aal noa sohnbadi weh da wahn Intafayrin Betsi. Da wahn noazi persn, yoozhali wahn laydi. Di Intafayrin Betsi stay di faas eena ada pipl bizniz. Lata taim, yu wahn...
MEANING: buckteeth USE: Sayka a weh di lee bwai sok finga soh moch, ih ga bof teet sayhn laik rabit. TRANSLATION: Because the little boy sucks his thumb so much,...
MEANING: others. USE: Yu fi aalwayz bee kain tu adaz. TRANSLATION: You should always been kind to others.
Weh Yu Need: 1 pong split beenz (split peez)1 pong pitayta, peel it 1 pong koako, peel it 1 smaal kyabij 1 meedyom oanyan 1 meedyom sweet pepa 2 teespoon...
MEANING: Almighty; refers to God. USE: Wi hafu pen pahn di Almaiti fi tek kayr a wi. TRANSLATION: We have to depend on the Almighty God to take care of...