bof teet
MEANING: buckteeth USE: Sayka a weh di lee bwai sok finga soh moch, ih ga bof teet sayhn laik rabit. TRANSLATION: Because the little boy sucks his thumb so much,...
MEANING: buckteeth USE: Sayka a weh di lee bwai sok finga soh moch, ih ga bof teet sayhn laik rabit. TRANSLATION: Because the little boy sucks his thumb so much,...
MEANING: others. USE: Yu fi aalwayz bee kain tu adaz. TRANSLATION: You should always been kind to others.
Weh Yu Need: 1 pong split beenz (split peez)1 pong pitayta, peel it 1 pong koako, peel it 1 smaal kyabij 1 meedyom oanyan 1 meedyom sweet pepa 2 teespoon...
MEANING: Almighty; refers to God. USE: Wi hafu pen pahn di Almaiti fi tek kayr a wi. TRANSLATION: We have to depend on the Almighty God to take care of...
MEANING: (3rd person objective) him, her, it. USE: Weh Patrice deh? Ah wahn beet ahn. TRANSLATION: Where is Patrice? I will beat him.