MEANING: ant. (both singular and plural) USE: Oanli wan lee aans mi deh pahn di kayk fos, den aftawods lat moa kohn. TRANSLATION: Only one little ant was on the...
MEANING: ant. (both singular and plural) USE: Oanli wan lee aans mi deh pahn di kayk fos, den aftawods lat moa kohn. TRANSLATION: Only one little ant was on the...
MEANING: give account of. USE: Yoo wahn hafu gi akonk a yuself tu Gaad wan a deez days. TRANSLATION: You'll have to give account of yourself to God one of...
MEANING: bad-mouth, find fault wiht, speak ill of USE: Noh kay humoch Dahling bad-mowt wi page, wi still wa poas. TRANSLATION: No matter how much Darling speaks ill of our...
MEANING: long ago, in the past USE: Bifoa taim taksi neva deh; wi uoostu waak. TRANSLATION: Long ago we didn't have taxis; we used to walk.
MEANING: bald; shave one's head USE: Ah noh noa wai Patrice hihn gaahn baal ih head fa. TRANSLATION: I don't know why Patrice went and shaved his head.