The idea for Kriol Word Of The Day came about while having lunch with some friends in Cayo. During conversation, one of our friends was giving a story and said the word “chuchu”, referring to breasts. The table just reeled with laughter because we hadn’t heard the word in a while. That got us to bringing up more words and how beautiful the Creole language is in Belize and how it differs as you travel this beautiful country of Belize.
It was then we decided that we should take the Kriol-Inglish Dikshineri and simply share a word a day for people to learn. So, one lazy day in 2011, we got to working on the database of words that would drive the content for the site. We entered as many words as we could from the dictionary and finally got the site up and running.
Since then, life has kinda taken over as it usually does. Moved, married, two kids and a home later, we FINALLY come back to this love of the Creole (Kriol) Language.
So, enjoy Kriol Word Of The Day and if you have suggestions for words, phrases or anything Kriol related, drop us a line here and we will see how best to incorporate it. In the meantime, we suggest picking up your own copy of the Kriol-Inglish Dikshineri where the majority of this site’s content comes from. Check with your nearest bookstore and ask for it or you can download it from the link below:
The dictionary has been put together by the hard work from the following:
Yvette Herrera
Myrna Manzanares
Silvana Woods
Cynthia Crosbie
Ken Decker
Paul Crosbie