MEANING: sleep or doze USE: Yoo dehdeh di doado; sohnbadi wahn kohn teef weh yu waif fahn yu. TRANSLATION: While you’re there dozing, somebody is going to steal your wife...
MEANING: sleep or doze USE: Yoo dehdeh di doado; sohnbadi wahn kohn teef weh yu waif fahn yu. TRANSLATION: While you’re there dozing, somebody is going to steal your wife...
MEANING: itch; irritate or cause an organ of the body to be inflamed or sore USAGE: Wen Ah goh eena see waata, mai skin eech mi. MEANING: When I go...
MEANING: see things, have hallicunations. USE: Aah, Ah mos di si doblz; da kyaahn wahn baybi dat Ai di si eena kinel. TRANSLATION: I must be seeing things; that can’t...
MEANING: overpower USAGE: Faiv bwai dobl-benk di oal man ahn tek weh ih moni. TRANSLATION: Five boys overpowered the old man and took away his money.
MEANING: traipse, walk USE: Wi hafu chrayps goh weh kraas yaanda fi geh waata. TRANSLATION: We have to walk way over yonder to get water.