MEANING: underarm odour. USE: Mi grani yooz laim fi geh rid a pikni aamsent. TRANSLATION: My granny uses lime to get rid of children's underarm odour.
MEANING: underarm odour. USE: Mi grani yooz laim fi geh rid a pikni aamsent. TRANSLATION: My granny uses lime to get rid of children's underarm odour.
MEANING: small dilapidated house that sits flat on the ground. USE: Ah waahn wahn nais big hows; Ah no waahn no daag sidong. TRANSLATION: I want a nice big house, not...
MEANING: sugar cane by-product used as fertilizer USE: Wen Ah put bagash pahn mi roaz plaant, ih groa faas. TRANSLATION: When I put fertilizer on my rose plant, it grew...
MEANING: burr; plant that leaves small thorny seeds stuck to clothing USE: Wi put ber-ber pahn di prinsipal chyaa.. TRANSLATION: We put burr on the principal's chair.
MEANING: ball; spherical object USE: Dehn bwai mi deh owt deh di kik baal. TRANSLATION: The boys were out there kicking a ball.