domp chrok
MEANING: dump truck USAGE: Di man bring di load a san eena di domp chrok. TRANSLATION: The man brought the load of sand in the dump truck.
MEANING: dump truck USAGE: Di man bring di load a san eena di domp chrok. TRANSLATION: The man brought the load of sand in the dump truck.
MEANING: paint or cover unskillfully. USE: Rong Krismos evribadi daab dehn hows wid lee paynt. TRANSLATION: Around Christmas everbody daubs his house with a little bit of paint.
MEANING: afternoon. USE: Layt di aftanoon wi disaid fi goh hoahn bak. TRANSLATION: Late in the afternoon we decided to go back home.
MEANING: rubbing alcohol. USE: Wen aans bait yu, yu mos rob yu fut wid alkahol fi eez di payn. TRANSLATION: When ants bite you, you should rub your feet with...
MEANING: small fresh-water river fish. Mexican Tetra USE: Wen wi goh bayd da riva, dehn lee bilam kohn pik wi fut. TRANSLATION: When we go swimming in the river, the...