MEANING: dizzy USE: Wen Dayzi kom aaf a di meri-goh-rong, ih mi tonti tonti. TRANSLATION: When Daisy came off of the merry-go-round, she was very dizzy.
MEANING: dizzy USE: Wen Dayzi kom aaf a di meri-goh-rong, ih mi tonti tonti. TRANSLATION: When Daisy came off of the merry-go-round, she was very dizzy.
MEANING: malicious, spiteful USE: Hihn noh wahn geh head kaaz ih tu bad-maindid. TRANSLATION: He won't get ahead because he's too malicious.
MEANING: those USE: Eena dehndeh dayz, laydi doz wash pahn han, bot eena denya dayz ya evribadi ga masheen. TRANSLATION: In those days, ladies washed clothes by hand, but these...
MEANING: broiling USE: Di lee bwai mi deh owt eena di brailin son-hat di sel dukunu. TRANSLATION: The little boy was out in the broiling hot sun selling dukunu.
MEANING: boastful, showy USE: Di man reeyalaiz seh sayk a bregin, ih oan big mowt kech ahn. TRANSLATION: The man realized that because of his boastful ways, his own big...