aliv ail
MEANING: olive oil. USE: Lat a pipl di kuk wid aliv ail now kaa dehn seh ih helti. TRANSLATION: Many people cook with olive oil now because they say it's...
MEANING: olive oil. USE: Lat a pipl di kuk wid aliv ail now kaa dehn seh ih helti. TRANSLATION: Many people cook with olive oil now because they say it's...
MEANING: was USE: Mi pa da-mi di teecha eena mi klaas. TRANSLATION: My father was the teacher of my class.
MEANING: eyeball. USE: Noh di raol yu aiybaal wen Ah di skoal yu. TRANSLATION: Don't roll your eyes when I scold you.
MEANING: that USE: Datideh bwai oanli haad-ayz. TRANSLATION: That boys is very disobedient.
MEANING: Otober USE: Harikayn Hati mi kohn eena Aktoaba. TRANSLATION: Hurricane Hattie came in October.