chro weh
MEANING: spill USE: If yu noh kyaaful, yu jrink wahn chro weh. TRANSLATION: If you're not careful, you'll spill your drink.
MEANING: spill USE: If yu noh kyaaful, yu jrink wahn chro weh. TRANSLATION: If you're not careful, you'll spill your drink.
MEANING: coral snake; small poisonous snake with coral-red, yellow and black stripes USE: Ah frayd fi dehn beed-ahn-koril snayk. TRANSLATION: I'm afraid of coral snakes.
MEANING: china, breakable dinnerware USE: Oanli wen Krismos mi ma tek owt di chayni playt dehn. TRANSLATION: Only at Christmas time would my mom get out the china plates.
MEANING: exchange, trade USE: Chaynji mi yu wach fi dis shaydz, no? TRANSLATION: Trade me your watch for these shades, okay?
MEANING: hurtful, burning USE: Mi ma tel mi sohn bonin werdz. TRANSLATION: My mom told me some hurtful words.