MEANING: flounder USE: Ah noh di mek it eena laif ataal, Ah jos di bafu ahn kyaahn gama. TRANSLATION: I'm not making it at all in life, I'm just floundering...
MEANING: flounder USE: Ah noh di mek it eena laif ataal, Ah jos di bafu ahn kyaahn gama. TRANSLATION: I'm not making it at all in life, I'm just floundering...
MEANING: accept. USE: Unu mos aksep weh Ah tel unu bikaa da chroo. TRANSLATION: You should accept what I tell you because it's true.
MEANING: euphemism for being on one's death bed USE: Wi mi noa di sik oal man mi-di chravl kaa ih staat to kaal roal. TRANSLATION: We knew that the sick...
MEANING: immediately, right away USE: Fi shee hozban jos haftu luk pahn shee, ahn braps, shee geh pregnant. TRANSLATION: Her husband just has to look at her, and what do...