MEANING: that USE: Datideh bwai oanli haad-ayz. TRANSLATION: That boys is very disobedient.
MEANING: that USE: Datideh bwai oanli haad-ayz. TRANSLATION: That boys is very disobedient.
MEANING: bargain for a lower price USE: Ah beet dong di man pahn di prais a di shooz. TRANSLATION: I bargained with the man on the price of the shoes.
Fi shee mama praimri skool fren sekan kozn ded? Fyooneral Betsi wahn deh da di fyooneral! Fi shee nayba owtsaid breda bes fren wayk op ded? Fyooneral Betsi wahn deh...
MEANING: Otober USE: Harikayn Hati mi kohn eena Aktoaba. TRANSLATION: Hurricane Hattie came in October.
MEANING: ointment. USE: If yu put dis aintment pahn yu skin, ih wahn klayr op. TRANSLATION: If you put this ointment on your skin, it will clear up.